
002 STEM Grade 2 (001)

Grade 2 Curriculum

The Grade 2 curriculum emphasizes hands-on learning, exploration, and nurturing a sense of wonder about the technological world. The curriculum not only imparts knowledge but also encourages creativity, problem-solving, and collaboration, setting the foundation for future STEM learning in higher grades. It ensures that students leave Grade 2 with a sense of excitement and readiness to explore the possibilities of AI, Robotics, Drone Science, Data Analytics, and Machine Learning in the years to come.

Term 1: Building on Math Foundations
Month 1-2: Advanced Math Concepts

Week 1-2: Number Theory and Operations

Videos: Animated videos explaining advanced addition and subtraction concepts.
Notes: Visual notes on place value, regrouping, and mental math strategies.
Labs: Hands-on activities using manipulatives to reinforce concepts.
Assessment: Math quizzes focusing on advanced arithmetic.
Week 3-4: Geometry and Measurement

Videos: Educational videos on geometric shapes, measurements, and their applications.
Notes: Visual notes on advanced geometric concepts.
Labs: Measurement activities using real-world objects.
Assessment: Geometry and measurement projects.
Term 2: Dive into Robotics and Basic Programming
Month 3-4: Exploring Robotics Concepts

Week 1-2: Understanding Robot Sensors

Videos: Demonstrations of different types of sensors on robots.
Notes: Visual notes on how sensors help robots navigate their environment.
Labs: Hands-on activities with simple robots and sensors.
Assessment: Sensor identification quiz.
Week 3-4: Basic Programming for Robots

Videos: Introduction to block-based coding for robotics.
Notes: Visual notes on coding concepts like loops and conditionals.
Labs: Programming small robots to perform specific tasks.
Assessment: Basic programming skills evaluation.
Term 3: Drone Science, Environmental Exploration, and AI Basics
Month 5-6: Delving into Drone Science and AI Concepts

Week 1-2: Drone Components and Operation

Videos: Educational videos on drone components and how drones operate.
Notes: Visual notes on the science behind drone flight.
Labs: Outdoor drone flight sessions with safety measures.
Assessment: Drone flight skills evaluation.
Week 3-4: Introduction to AI Concepts for Kids

Videos: Child-friendly videos explaining AI concepts.
Notes: Visual notes on how AI is used in daily life.
Labs: Simple AI activities like image recognition games.
Assessment: AI basics quiz.
Term 4: Advanced Robotics, Machine Learning, and Data Analytics
Month 7-8: Advanced Robotics and Machine Learning Basics

Week 1-2: Advanced Robot Building

Videos: Showcasing advanced robot designs and applications.
Notes: Visual notes on the engineering design process for robots.
Labs: Group projects building more complex robots.
Assessment: Evaluation of advanced robot design projects.
Week 3-4: Introduction to Machine Learning for Kids

Videos: Child-friendly videos on the basics of machine learning.
Notes: Visual notes on how machines learn from data.
Labs: Simple pattern recognition and classification activities.
Assessment: Machine learning skills evaluation.
Month 9-10: Data Analytics and Integration of Concepts

Week 1-2: Understanding Data for Kids

Videos: Animated videos explaining the concept of data.
Notes: Visual notes on different forms of data representation.
Labs: Collecting and organizing data using kid-friendly examples.
Assessment: Data interpretation quiz.
Week 3-4: Integrated STEM Projects

Videos: Showcasing real-world applications integrating robotics, AI, and data analytics.
Notes: Visual notes on the importance of integrating STEM concepts.
Labs: Collaborative projects combining robotics, AI, and data analysis.
Assessment: Evaluation of integrated STEM projects.
  • Welcome! K2 STEM Students
  • Syllabus
  • Parental Involvement and Overall Guidelines
  • Term 1: Building on Math Foundations
  • Month 1-2: Advanced Math Concepts
  • Week 1-2: Number Theory and Operations
  • Video: Addition & Subtraction
  • Math-notes-common-core.pdf
  • Lab Activity: Puzzle
  • Assesment
  • NASA: Space Math
  • Week 3-4: Geometry and Measurement
  • 2D Geometry Video
  • 3D Geometry
  • Course Notes
  • Lab: Scavenger Hunt
  • Assesment
  • NASA: Rocket Size Math
  • Term 2: Dive into Robotics and Basic Programming
  • Month 3-4: Exploring Robotics Concepts
  • Week 1-2: Understanding Robot Sensors
  • Robot Sensors
  • Course Note Robot and Sensors.pdf
  • Lab Activity
  • QUIZ Robot and Sensor.pdf
  • NASA: Robot Arm Lab
  • Week 3-4: Basic Programming for Robots
  • Block Based Programming (Part 1)
  • Block Based Programming (Part 2)
  • Coure Note: Selection and Conditionals
  • Lab: Robot Programming
  • Assesment: Robot Programming
  • NASA: Robotics
  • Term 3: Drone Science, Environmental Exploration, and AI Basics
  • Month 5-6: Delving into Drone Science and AI Concepts
  • Week 1-2: Drone Components and Operation
  • Drones: Complete Flight Dynamics
  • Drone Movement 101.pptx
  • Lab: Flying Drones
  • Assesment Flying Drones.pdf
  • NASA: Build Helicopter Lab
  • Week 3-4: Introduction to AI Concepts for Kids
  • AI Concepts (Part 1)
  • AI Concepts (Part 2)
  • Introduction to AI
  • Lab Animal Guessing Game.pdf
  • Assesment Basic AI Understanding.pdf
  • NASA AI Projects
  • Term 4: Advanced Robotics, Machine Learning, and Data Analytics
  • Month 7-8: Advanced Robotics and Machine Learning Basics
  • Week 1-2: Advanced Robot Building
  • Building Robots
  • Robot Design & Applications
  • Lab: Build Your Robot Project
  • Lab: Build Your Robot
  • Assesment Robot Design
  • NASA Mars Rover
  • Week 3-4: Introduction to Machine Learning for Kids
  • Basics of Macine Learning
  • Machine Learning & Data
  • Lab Activity: Car or Cup
  • Assesment Machine Learning
  • NASA: How Does GPS Work?
  • Month 9-10: Data Analytics and Integration of Concepts
  • Week 1-2: Understanding Data for Kids
  • Data Concept
  • NOTE: Data Collection & Representation
  • Lab: Collect and Report
  • Assesment: Tally Report
  • NASA: Weather Data Lab
  • Week 3-4: Integrated STEM Projects
  • Use of Robots
  • Robot Dog
  • 10 Popular Applications of Robots
  • Note: Integrating STEM Concepts
  • Lab: Wizard Weather Bots
  • Assesment: Wizard Weather Bots
  • NASA: STEM Challenge
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever